关于经济援助的问题? 这是完整的图片.
Financial aid is important (and often confusing), and we want to help you understand the process.
To help you get started, we’ve distilled it down to the following three steps. Beyond this, reach out to a college financial advisor to discuss your eligibility and needs. 在圣. 爱德华的, your personal financial aid advisor will 工作 with you — throughout your college career — to identify all of the 奖学金, 你有资格获得助学金和贷款, 指导你完成申请流程.
我们致力于帮助合适的学生在这里找到自己的位置, 慷慨的奖学金和经济援助计划,以满足他们的需求.
加入成千上万的其他人- 5分钟是所有需要的 估计一下你要付多少钱. Hint: Make sure you have School Rank, GPA and Current Tax Information available before you start!
如何申请圣. 爱德华的
Average tuition paid by our first-year students who received 奖学金 and/or grants
的 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) asks questions about a family's income and assets to determine a Student 援助 Index (SAI). 一定要列出St. 爱德华联邦学校的校规, 003621, 在学校发布部分, 这样大学就能拿到你的成绩. 因为每所学校提供的经济援助都是有限的, students who meet our FAFSA priority deadline are most likely to get the best financial aid package. 当然, those who submit FAFSAs after the priority deadline are still considered for financial aid, 但这可能比他们在截止日期前完成任务要少. 看看我们的建议 填写FAFSA.
截止日期: 5月1日*
在你被录取并提供了所有必需的文件之后, 你会收到一封经济资助录取信. 助学金录取信息也会显示在myHilltop网站上. 你会被要求去 myHilltop to accept the aid offer and complete any additional requirements to secure your aid offer. Many aid offers combine three types of aid — merit-based, need-based and supplement aid.
文书工作由于: 7月1日*
* FAFSA优先录取新生的截止日期为5月1日, 新的转学学生和继续就读的本科生.
在圣. 爱德华的, nearly every student receives 奖学金 and grants they don't have to pay back. 但是每年, some students miss out on making college more affordable because they didn't 完成FAFSA, 或免费申请联邦学生援助. 了解为什么每个学生都应该这样做 完成FAFSA.
1. 你不需要任何东西,除了FAFSA和你的申请.
申请St. 爱德华的,你只需要提交FAFSA. However, some colleges require additional forms or applications for aid along with the FAFSA. 与每所学校的财务援助办公室核实具体要求.
2. 在fsaid上获得FSA ID.ed.政府.
您的FSA ID允许您以电子方式填写和签署FAFSA, 检查状态并在线更正. 学生和家长必须分别申请FSA id. You’ll use your same FSA ID throughout your student’s college career to 完成FAFSA and access your records, 把它放进保险箱里, 方便的地方.
3. 确保你收到了FAFSA的邮件.
You will receive an email acknowledgment from the Department of Education after completing the FAFSA. 如果你在48小时内没有收到回复, 联系联邦学生援助信息中心800-433-3243. St. 爱德华将在一周内收到你的结果.
Financial aid takes many forms that fall into three categories: merit-based, 基于需求和补充援助. 以下是每种方法的一些例子.
这些 奖学金 are based on academic, service, athletic or other areas of noteworthy achievement. 它们是补助金,不需要偿还.
Our academic 奖学金 for high-achieving new freshmen can save you $12,000 to $30,000 annually. 当你申请的时候,你会自动被考虑进去.
Our specialty 奖学金 (the Sorin Award and the Moreau Scholarship) are awarded to students who graduate from Holy Cross high schools.
这些都是基于在体育运动中取得的优异成绩, 艺术, 参加后备役军官训练军团, 社区服务或其他值得注意的成就.
当你提交 联邦学生免费申请 援助, or FAFSA, you will automatically be considered for these financial aid options. 赠款和 工作 研究 不要求还款.
St. 爱德华大学的助学金适用于美国大学的学生.S. citizens and legal residents) who show financial need according to the FAFSA. 仅在2021年一年,圣. 爱德华获得了超过8500万美元的奖金.
提供给学生(美国).S. 根据FAFSA的规定,有经济需要的公民. 年度 awards vary widely and is based on the student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as calculated from the FAFSA. Pell Grant funds are sent directly to the school and applied to the student’s bill.
Federal grant awarded to Pell Grant–eligible students who have demonstrated the highest calculated need from the FAFSA. 奖学金直接记入学生的账单. SEOG视供应情况而定.
State-funded, need-based grant offered to eligible full-time undergraduates who are Texas residents. Students who receive athletic 奖学金 are not eligible to receive a TEG.
在各个校园办公室提供带薪就业机会. 勤工俭学提供给有经济需要的学生. Students are paid at an hourly rate and receive pay every two weeks for the hours 工作ed. 的 average college 工作-研究 award is $2,000 annually and is paid directly to the student. 大学勤工俭学视情况而定. Please note that a 工作-研究 award is not a prerequisite for the majority of on-campus jobs. Numerous opportunities exist for students who do not qualify for this award.
A number of supplemental educational loan programs exist to allow families to borrow up to their student’s full cost of attendance. 年度 联邦学生贷款的贷款限额 独立学生和独立学生的课程各不相同.
Subsidized student loans are awarded on the basis of financial need as determined by the FAFSA and the college's cost of attendance. 的 federal 政府ernment pays the interest on the loan during enrollment of at least six credit hours per semester and during the six-month grace period after enrollment ceases.
无补贴学生贷款不是基于经济需要, and interest accrues from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full. Additional Unsubsidized 工作人员ord Loan funds are available for students whose parents are not creditworthy or for students determined independent of their parent by Department of Education standards. Federal Student Loan funds are released directly to the school in two or more disbursements via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and applied directly to the student bill.
Available to creditworthy parents who want to borrow for their undergraduate children's education. 学生必须至少在一半时间注册. A Master Promissory Note (MPN) is required in addition to the submission of the FAFSA. 的 loan amount can be up to the cost of attendance minus other financial aid received. PLUS Loan funds are released directly to the school in two or more disbursements and applied directly to the student bill. Repayment begins 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed for the academic year, 虽然延期选项是可用的.
512-448-8523 or 800-555-0164